
Base test classes and functions for setting up ZCA.

In some cases, you may be better off using zope.component.testlayer.

class nti.testing.base.AbstractConfiguringObject[source]#

Bases: object

A class for executing ZCML configuration.

Other than the attributes that are documented on this class, users are not expected to use this class or subclass it.

configuration_context = None#

Instance attribute defined by setUp() that is the ConfigurationMachine that was used to load configuration data (if any). This can be used by individual methods to load more configuration data using configure_packages() or the methods from zope.configuration

configure_events = True#

Class attribute that is a boolean defaulting to True. When true, the zope.component.eventtesting module will be configured.


If there are any set_up_packages you are responsible for ensuring that the zope.component configuration is loaded.

features = ('devmode', 'testmode')#

Class attribute naming a sequence of strings to be added as features before loading the configuration. By default, this is devmode and testmode. (Devmode is suitable for running the application, testmode is only suitable for unit tests.)

static get_configuration_package_for_class(klass)[source]#

Return the package that . means when configuring packages.

For test classes that exist in a subpackage called tests in a module beginning with test, this defaults to the parent package. E.g., if klass is nti.appserver.tests.test_app.TestApp then this is nti.appserver.

set_up_packages = ()#

Class attribute naming a sequence of package objects or strings naming packages. These will be configured, in order, using ZCML. The configure.zcml package from each package will be loaded. Instead of a package object, each item can be a tuple of (filename, package); in that case, the given file (usually meta.zcml) will be loaded from the given package.

class nti.testing.base.AbstractSharedTestBase(methodName='runTest')[source]#

Bases: PatchingMixin, TestCase

Base class for testing that can share most global data (e.g., ZCML configuration) between unit tests. This is far more efficient, if the global data (e.g., ZCA component registry) is otherwise cleaned up or not mutated between tests.

Under zope.testing and nose2, this is handled by treating the class as a layer through SharedTestBaseMetaclass.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

HANDLE_GC = False#

Class-level attribute that determines whether we should only collect garbage when tearing down the class.


Invokes sharedCleanup() for every test.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]#

Subclasses must call this method. It cleans up the global state.

It also disables garbage collection until tearDownClass() is called if HANDLE_GC is True. This way, we can collect just one generation and be sure to clean up any weak references that were created during this run. (Which is necessary, as ZCA heavily uses weak references, and when that is mixed with IComponents instances that are in a ZODB, if weak references persist and aren’t cleaned, bad things can happen. See nti.dataserver.site for details.) This is False by default for speed; set it to true if your TestCase will be creating new (possibly synthetic) sites/site managers.


Invokes sharedCleanup() for every test.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]#

Subclasses must call this method. It cleans up global state and performs garbage collection if HANDLE_GC is true.

class nti.testing.base.AbstractTestBase(methodName='runTest')[source]#

Bases: CleanUp, PatchingMixin, TestCase

Base class for testing. Inherits the setup and teardown functions for zope.testing.cleanup.CleanUp; one effect this has is to cause the component registry to be reset after every test.


Do not use this when you use module_setup() and module_teardown(), as the inherited setUp() will undo the effects of the module setup.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.


See AbstractConfiguringObject.get_configuration_package_for_class().

class nti.testing.base.ConfiguringTestBase(methodName='runTest')[source]#

Bases: AbstractConfiguringObject, AbstractTestBase

Test case that can be subclassed when ZCML configuration is desired.

Configuration is established by the class attributes documented on AbstractConfiguringObject.


The ZCML configuration is executed for each test.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

configure_packages(set_up_packages=(), features=(), context=<object object>, configure_events=True, package=None)#

Configure additional packages. This should only be done in the setUp method of a subclass. Note that this is called by setUp.


Execute the given ZCML string.

Tests may use this after setUp is called (this includes in the implementation of your own setUp function).


Clean up global data.


Clean up global data.

class nti.testing.base.PatchingMixin[source]#

Bases: object

Mixin class adding support for dynamic unittest.mock patches.

New in version 4.0.0.

patch(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

API for subclasses. All args are passed through to unittest.mock.patch which is then started and registered for cleanup.

This is intended to be used in setUp or individual test methods when what you might need to patch is dynamic.

Returns the result of patch.start(), i.e., a mock object.

New in version 4.0.0.

class nti.testing.base.SharedConfiguringTestBase(methodName='runTest')[source]#

Bases: AbstractConfiguringObject, AbstractSharedTestBase

Test case that can be subclassed when ZCML configuration is desired.

Configuration is established by the class attributes documented on AbstractConfiguringObject. (The configuration_context is also a class attribute.)


The ZCML configuration is only executed once, before any tests are run.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

classmethod configure_packages(set_up_packages=(), features=(), context=<object object>, configure_events=True, package=None)#

Configure additional packages. This should only be done in the setUpClass method of a subclass after calling the super class. Note that this is called by setUpClass.

classmethod get_configuration_package()#

New in version 2.1.0.

classmethod setUpClass()#

Subclasses must call this method. It cleans up the global state.

It also disables garbage collection until tearDownClass() is called if HANDLE_GC is True. This way, we can collect just one generation and be sure to clean up any weak references that were created during this run. (Which is necessary, as ZCA heavily uses weak references, and when that is mixed with IComponents instances that are in a ZODB, if weak references persist and aren’t cleaned, bad things can happen. See nti.dataserver.site for details.) This is False by default for speed; set it to true if your TestCase will be creating new (possibly synthetic) sites/site managers.


Invokes sharedCleanup() for every test.

classmethod tearDownClass(clear_configuration_context=True, super_tear_down=None)#

Subclasses must call this method. It cleans up global state and performs garbage collection if HANDLE_GC is true.

class nti.testing.base.SharedTestBaseMetaclass(name, bases, cdict)[source]#

Bases: type

A metaclass that converts the nose-specific use of setUpClass and tearDownClass into a layer that also works with zope.testrunner (which is generally better than nose2).

This works because nose2 picks one or the other, and it chooses layers over setUp/tearDownClass—only one of them is called. (If that changes, it’s easy to workaround.)

nti.testing.base.addSharedCleanUp(func, args=(), kw=None)[source]#

Registers a cleanup to happen for every test, regardless of whether the test is using shared configuration or not.

nti.testing.base.module_setup(set_up_packages=(), features=('devmode', 'testmode'), configure_events=True)[source]#

A module-level fixture for configuring packages.

Either import this as setUpModule at the module level, or call it to perform module level set up from your own function with that name. If you use this, you must also use module_teardown().

This is an alternative to using ConfiguringTestBase; the two should generally not be mixed in a module. It can also be used with Nose’s with_setup function.


Tears down the module-level fixture for configuring packages established by module_setup().

Either import this as tearDownModule at the module level, or call it to perform module level tear down froum your own function with that name.

This is an alternative to using ConfiguringTestBase; the two should generally not be mixed in a module.


Clean up things that should be cleared for every test, even in a shared test base.