
4.1.1 (unreleased)#

  • Nothing changed yet.

4.1.0 (2024-04-10)#

  • Add support for, and require, testgres 1.10. This is needed because they changed the signature for get_pg_version.

  • Drop support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.

4.0.0 (2023-10-24)#

  • Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.

  • Drop support for Python 2 and Python 3.6 and 3.7.

  • Add a layer for working with a testgres Postgres instance.

  • Add methods to the test base classes to support unittest.mock patches.

3.1.0 (2021-09-08)#

  • Add support for Python 3.9.

  • Drop support for Python 3.5.

  • Add the module alias nti.testing.mock, which is either the standard library unittest.mock, or the backport mock. This allows easy imports when backwards compatibility matters.

  • Make mock, mock.Mock and various other API attributes, like is_true, available directly from the nti.testing namespace.

3.0.0 (2020-06-16)#

  • Add support for Python 3.8.

  • Require zope.interface 5.1. This lets the interface matchers produce much more informative error messages.

  • Add nti.testing.zodb with helpers for dealing with ZODB. This makes ZODB 5.6 or above a required dependency.

2.2.1 (2019-09-10)#

  • Make transaction cleanup safer if the default transaction manager has been made explicit.

    Also, reset the default transaction manager to implicit.

    See issue 17.

2.2.0 (2018-08-24)#

  • Add support for Python 3.7.

  • Make time_monotonically_increases also handle time.gmtime and add a helper for using it in layers.

2.1.0 (2017-10-23)#

  • Make Acquisition an optional dependency. If it is not installed, the aq_inContextOf matcher will always return False.

  • Remove dependency on fudge. Instead, we now use unittest.mock on Python 3, or its backport mock on Python 2. See issue 11.

  • Refactor ZCML configuration support to share more code and documentation. See issue 10.

  • The layer ConfiguringLayerMixin and the base class SharedConfiguringTestBase now default to running configuration in the package the subclass is defined in, just as subclasses of ConfiguringTestBase did.

2.0.1 (2017-10-18)#

  • The validation matchers (validated_by and not_validated_by) now consider it a failure (by default) if the validate method raises anything other than zope.interface.exceptions.Invalid (which includes the zope.schema exceptions like WrongType). Previously, they accepted any exception as meaning the object was invalid, but this could hide bugs in the actual validation method itself. You can supply the invalid argument to the matchers to loosen or tighten this as desired. (Giving invalid=Exception will restore the old behaviour.) See issue 7.

2.0.0 (2017-04-12)#

  • Add support for Python 3.6.

  • Remove unicode_literals.

  • Substantially rework time_monotonically_increases for greater safety. Fixes issue 5.

1.0.0 (2016-07-28)#

  • Add Python 3 support.

  • Initial PyPI release.