Source code for nti.testing.layers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test layer support.

.. versionchanged:: 4.0.0

   This is now a package with sub-modules. Existing imports continue
   to work.


import sys
import unittest

from .cleanup import GCLayerMixin
from .cleanup import SharedCleanupLayer
from .zope import ZopeComponentLayer
from .zope import ConfiguringLayerMixin

[docs] def find_test(): """ The layer support in :class:`nose2.plugins.layers.Layers` optionally supplies the test case object to ``testSetUp`` and ``testTearDown``, but ``zope.testrunner`` does not do this. If you need access to the test, you can use an idiom like this:: @classmethod def testSetUp(cls, test=None): test = test or find_test() """ i = 2 while True: try: frame = sys._getframe(i) # pylint:disable=protected-access i += 1 except ValueError: # pragma: no cover return None if isinstance(frame.f_locals.get('self'), unittest.TestCase): return frame.f_locals['self'] if isinstance(frame.f_locals.get('test'), unittest.TestCase): return frame.f_locals['test']
__all__ = [ 'GCLayerMixin', 'SharedCleanupLayer', 'ZopeComponentLayer', 'ConfiguringLayerMixin', 'find_test', ]